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Association Rules

1. Name


2. Aims

The aims of the association are to enable independent apple and pear growers to join together and use their collective strength for the benefit of the individual member and the industry as a whole.

3. Membership

There will be two classes of membership - a) Full Membership and b) Associate Membership

a) Full Membership Any person, partnership or company growing a minimum of 2 hectares of apples and/or pears, and selling all or part of the crop (not including sales through farm shops or sale of cull fruit) independently of any registered co-operative, may apply for Full Membership. In the case of a partnership or a company such Full Membership being limited to one person.

Such Full Members will have full voting rights. In the event of being unable to attend a meeting, a full member will have authority to transfer his/her vote to the Chairman, or any other Full Member to cast on his/her behalf.

Voting rights will be limited to one per Full Member, and will only be valid if membership has been approved by the Committee and is fully paid-up. Proof of voting rights will be by production of a valid membership certificate.

Full Members (also Associate Members with voting rights) reserve the right to meet together, in the absence of Associate Members.

b) Associate Membership

Will be open to all individuals and companies who support the aims of the Association and who pay the appropriate Associate Membership fee.

Associate Members will have no voting rights unless elected or co-opted to serve on the Committee or its sub-committees.

4. Committee

The Committee will consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and other members who may be either Full Members or Associate Members.

The Committee (other than the Secretary) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in each year and, subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise, shall remain in office until their successors are elected at the Annual General Meeting following their election. The Committee may co-opt other Full or Associate Members to the Committee and shall have power to fill any casual vacancy that may occur. The retiring members of the Committee shall  be eligible for re-election without further nomination being necessary.

Each member of the Committee shall be entitled to receive not less than seven days notice of Committee Meetings.

Following the Annual General Meeting, the Committee shall, at its next meeting, elect the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer of the Association.

5. Secretary

The Secretary will be appointed by the Committee upon the recommendation of the Chairman, and be paid at an agreed hourly rate for work done, and reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses properly incurred in the course of his or her duties agreed with the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. The Secretary will, upon appointment, become an Honorary Member of the Association, and a member of the Committee.

6. Treasurer

The position of Treasurer will be unpaid, but he or she shall be reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses properly incurred in the course of his or her duties agreed with the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. If the Treasurer is not a Full or Associate Member, he or she will become an Honorary Member of the Association upon appointment.

7 Expenses

Normally, no member of the Association (including the Committee but excluding the Secretary and Treasurer) will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses. However, the Committee may approve reimbursement of any substantial expenses incurred by any member working on behalf of the Association.

8 Membership Application Process

All applications for membership shall be made on the prescribed form available from the Secretary. Membership will be confirmed or rejected at the next meeting of the Committee.

9 Membership and Associate Membership Subscriptions

The annual rates of subscription for Full and Associate membership will be fixed by the Committee, and subject to  confirmation at the Annual General Meeting.

All annual subscriptions (except the first subscription of a new member) shall be payable on 1 July in each year.

10 Bank Authority

All cheques drawn on the Association's Bank Account shall require two signatures. The authorised signatories will be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and a maximum of two other named members of the Committee who will be nominated by the Committee.

11 Resignation or Expulsion Procedure

A member desiring to withdraw from the Association must give notice in writing to the Secretary on or before the 1st day of July in any year, otherwise the subscription for the ensuing year shall be payable. The Committee shall have power to expel any member who shall offend against the Rules of the Association, or whose conduct shall, in the opinion of the Committee, render him or her unfit for membership of the Association. Before any such member is expelled the Secretary shall give him or her a minimum of seven days notice to attend a meeting of the Committee, and shall inform him or her of the complaints made against him or her. No member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity of appearing before the Committee, and answering complaints made against him or her, and unless at least two-thirds of the Committee then present vote in favour of his or her expulsion.

12 Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in every year to transact the following business:

a) to receive and if approved to adopt a statement of the Association's Accounts to the end of the preceding year;

b) to consider and if approved sanction any proposed alteration to the Rules;

c) to appoint the members of the Committee (other than the Secretary);

d) to appoint an Auditor;

e) to deal with any special matter which the Committee desire to bring before members, and to receive suggestions from the members for consideration by the Committee.

Notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the members not less than 21 days before the Meeting, and shall specify the matters to be dealt with. Any nominations for members of the Committee (other than the Secretary) must be received by the Secretary at least seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

13 Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee, and shall be convened within 28 days from the receipt of a requisition in writing, signed by not less than 10 members specifying the object of the meeting for any of the following purposes:

a) to consider and if approved sanction any proposed alteration of the Rules;

b) to deal with any special matter which the Committee or Members may desire to place before members.

Notice convening a Special General Meeting shall be sent to members not less than 14 days before the Meeting and shall specify the matters to be dealt with.

14 Changes to Rules or Dissolution of the Association

Rules may only be changed or the Association dissolved at an Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting with a minimum of 75% of those voting (either in person or by proxy) being in favour of the change or dissolution.

15 Procedure in Event of Association being Wound-up

Upon the passing of a Resolution to dissolve the Association, the Committee will be responsible for realising the assets and dividing the balance, after discharging any liabilities equally among the existing members who have held membership for a minimum of one year.

16 Quorum

At meeting of the Committee five members of the Committee shall form a quorum, and at General Meetings five Full members present in person or by proxy shall form a quorum.